August 28, 2011

New Semester

Hope everyone had an excellent summer!  With a new semester starting tomorrow that means we will be holding meetings and events again.  The first week we will not have a meeting so that everyone can adjust to classes again and so that we can choose a definitive time to have the meetings.  The tentative plan right now is to have them every Thursday at 7pm, but we would very much like everyone's input to know when is best for them.  We will also be drawing up a volunteer schedule for who can present at meetings and do the game of the week.  For more information on that, please visit the forums.  To let us know when you can or can't make a meeting and to let us know the best time for you, please comment here, comment at the forums, tell us on Facebook, or let us know some other way.

See you gamers later!

Josh Matern
Gaming President