What's up everyone? So, if you didn't go to the speaker event Wednesday then you missed out. It was an amazing presentation and definitely made me consider going to SMU to study how to make video games. They did an excellent job showing why video games are a growing market and how the skills there could easily be transferred to other careers for good pay if you so desired. You can also have a great career in the video game industry though, so don't think no money is there. The pizza and fan art were good too! I believe that everyone who attended enjoyed it, so I consider it a great success!
The Unforum dress rehearsal is tomorrow, 8:30pm at the Marriott Center. If you want to participate in the Unforum, you MUST come tomorrow. It looks like it will be very enjoyable and a great opportunity to advertise our club. The actual Unforum is Tuesday, and we will need to get there by 10:00am. Please come and help out!
Our last meeting of the semester will be this Thursday. It is a reading day so we hope that almost everyone can come since classes won't be interfering. We will be discussing the future of gaming, specifically what we hope will come, what we know is coming, and how we can influence future of video gaming. We will also play some games, chat, and have fun! We can't wait to see you!
On a slightly sadder note, JS Lewis, our online steward, said he will be stepping down as an officer due to an increased work load and studies. He has done a lot for the club and was instrumental in helping it start. It is quite saddening losing him. He will still be a member though so don't think that this is goodbye. He will also soon be choosing a new online steward so if you think you might be interested then let him know.
Well, that's everything! Have a good week and be ready for finals!
Josh Matern
Gaming President
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