February 11, 2011

Gaming Award News

The 14th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards has taken place and news about which games got awards is now out.  This award ceremony celebrates creative games and those who create them and is sponsored by The Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences (AIAS).  So basically it is an art and science award ceremony for video games.  Their pick for 2010 game of the year is none other than Mass Effect 2!  Congrats to that game and its creators! That is also more evidence that I need to play that game as soon as I can.

That wasn't the only award of course and many other games received a nice collection.  Red Dead Redemption, although missing out on game of the year, scored 5 awards this year.  Heavy Rain also made a strong show and received several awards.  A bit more of a surprise was that Angry Birds won an award as well as Limbo.

For the full list and article go to http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/114/1149224p1.html

I am glad that there is recognition such as this for video games as art and mostly agree with the awards they handed out, although sometimes it is nice to see awards given to games you wouldn't have given them to and find out why they chose that game instead.  The only fault I can find is that Halo Reach is not mentioned at all.  Seriously, what is up with that?

Gaming President

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