Care Week starts tomorrow, but as for our club, we are having our event Friday. It will be in the usual location in Room 365/375 of the Crabtree but the event goes from 4pm to 10pm. There will be prizes for three different tournaments and of course there will just be casual gaming going on. There is a $5 entrance fee which goes to the charity, but larger donations are encouraged! Something exciting for this event is that we actually have fliers now so we can get the word out much more efficiently! There is also a Facebook event for Care Week as well which has been made by BYUSA. I encourage everyone who is planning to go to register your attendance. Just search for BYU Care Week and you should be able to find the event no problem.
In other news, after considering all of the responses we received, it seems that Wednesday night for dinner will be the best time to have the speaker come. I told the Guildhall rep that a Wednesday night would suit us best, and he said he should be able to come April 6. So mark your calendars for then! We will start advertising for the speaker event right after Care Week so that as many people as possible can hear about it and come, but we will still have at least one more gaming event before that.
Next meeting will be led by our esteemed adviser, Dale Rowe. He will be demonstrating how to turn a Wii-mote into an electronic whiteboard, so a $1000+ product for $25. Remember, if you want to lead a meeting discussion, just tell us. We look forward to hearing from everyone about video gaming subjects that particularly interest them, whether it be about FPS, the Legend of Zelda, how to optimize your computer for gaming, the history of video gaming, or anything else.
I hope everyone has a good week and we all hope to see you at the next meeting and at the Care Week event! Game on gamers!
Josh Matern
Gaming President
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