March 7, 2011

Post-Charity and News

So the charity fundraiser has come and gone.  Thanks to everyone who came!  I personally had a lot of fun and was very glad to see our eminent adviser there too.  Unfortunately, not nearly as many people came as we had hoped, so we will have to try harder with advertising next time.  Still, we are very happy for all the money we were able to raise for One Laptop per Child, and we hope we are able to bless the lives of some children.

Now the main focus we have is the speaker coming April 6!  We plan on advertising that for the whole month of March to get as large a turnout as possible.  We encourage everyone to volunteer time to advertise!  Just tell us when you can and we will reserve the time for you and a partner.  We will also be having a game playing event in between, but this one will be strictly consoles.  Details for the location will be coming soon, but expect it to be in the same room as usual.  For that one, we encourage everyone to bring a screen or console!  Also, if you think you know anyone interested in attending either event, then let them know.  We want as many people as possible to come and game with us!

So about our club banner. We sent in a design for the banner to the campus design team, but they rejected it as too complicated and being copyright infringement, despite saying previously that it would not be copyright infringement.  Go figure.  So two weeks ago we sent in another, simpler design, and they said it was still too complicated for the free hour of design we get.  So basically, for the design we want, we would need to pay them for three hours of designing.  We are working out whether we want to come up with some way to raise money or just go for a super simple design that can be done in an hour, which basically means words and colors.  If you want to voice your opinions or ideas, post them in the comments!

Malia will be leading the discussion this Thursday so everyone come and participate!  Also, tell us if you would like to lead a discussion too!

Gaming news this week:  Dragon Age II comes out tomorrow and Crysis II later this month (22nd).  Pokemon Black and White came out and received a lot of positive reviews.  Shogun II Total War will be out the 15th, and for those of you interested, Alice: Madness Returns has a new, freaky trailer!  That is just a smattering of the news, but I'll let our esteemed Game Warden post the rest.

Well, that's the news!  Hope everyone has a great week and I'll see you Thursday at 7!

Josh Matern
Gaming President

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